Lending Conditions Likely More Certain for Hotels in 2024

Greg Friedman
Managing Principal & CEO
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Peachtree CEO Greg Friedman was quoted in this recent CoStar Group article by Sean McCracken talking about the lending environment for hotels in 2024 and the opportunities for investor, operator, lenders like Peachtree Group.

"Most traditional lenders aren't lending," said Friedman. "Forty percent of the debt market is traditionally made up of regional banks, community banks, national banks, and it's been in the press that banks are under pressure. So 40% of the market is struggling, the CMBS market makes up close to 25% to 30% of lending to hotels and that market is well under pressure, as well."But he said what is left of the market is attracted to hotels due to "really good asset-level performance."

Lending Conditions Likely More Certain for Hotels in 2024 (costar.com)

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